Tag: Factsheets
Factsheet: Gender Inclusivity
The (en)gendering of urban security is a key trend in urban security, as highlighted by the IcARUS State of the Art Review. This evidenced the extensive and growing research that identifies the multiple ways in which gender plays a key role in how people perceive, experience, and produce security. Yet, it also revealed how this has largely failed to be translated into current urban security policies and programmes, in particular with regard to juvenile delinquency, radicalisation, safe public spaces and organised crime.
Both gender specific tools and gender specific indicators have been absent from much of the discussion, leaving a critical gap in our understanding, implementation, and evaluation of urban security policy.
Spotlight on Designing and Managing Safe Public Spaces – Factsheet #9
This factsheet is based on research conducted by IcARUS for the public report D2.1 The Changing Face of Urban Security Research, and it further communicates the learnings related to designing and managing safe urban spaces for improving Urban Security.
Spotlight on preventing Juvenile Delinquency – Factsheet #8
This factsheet is based on research conducted by IcARUS for the public report D2.1 The Changing Face of Urban Security Research, and it further communicates the learnings related to prevention of juvenile delinquency for improving Urban Security.
Spotlight on Preventing and Reducing Trafficking and Organised Crime – Factsheet #7
This factsheet is based on research conducted by IcARUS for the public report D2.1 The Changing Face of Urban Security Research, and it further communicates the learnings related to prevention for reducing traffickind and organized crime, and improving Urban Security.
Spotlight on Preventing Radicalisation leading to Violent Extremism – Factsheet #6
This factsheet is based on research conducted by IcARUS for the public report D2.1 The Changing Face of Urban Security Research, and it further communicates the learnings related to prevention of radicalization leading to violent extremism.
Investing in Prevention Time to Embrace the Research Evidence – Factsheet #5
This factsheet is based on research conducted by IcARUS for the public report D2.1 The Changing Face of Urban Security Research, and it further communicates the learnings related to prevention for decreasing crime and improving Urban Security.
Learning from the past: 30 years of crime prevention and urban security – Factsheet #4
This factsheet is based on research conducted by IcARUS for the public report D2.1 The Changing Face of Urban Security Research, and it further communicates the learnings from the past throughout 30 years of crime prevention and urban security.
Using research to inform urban security strategies – Factsheet #3
This factsheet is based on research conducted by IcARUS for the public report D2.1 The Changing Face of Urban Security Research, and it further communicates how can research inform the urban security strategies.
Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency: relevant international regulations and an example of a national regulation – Factsheet #2
This factsheet is based on research conducted for the IcARUS report “Legal adjustment report of IcARUS to the relevant international and national regulations”.
Design Thinking Methodology in the context of the IcARUS Project -Factsheet #1
This factsheet is based on research conducted for the IcARUS reports “Methodology for the adoption of DT in urban security & crime prevention initiatives” and “Guidelines to the DT implementation in IcARUS tasks”.
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