Urban Crime – An International Journal
Urban Crime – An International Journal is a new scientific journal published by the Laboratory of Urban Criminology of Panteion University in Athens. It presents a composite of analyses and syntheses of research at the intersection between crime and the urban environment, drawn from a variety of sources. With peer-reviewed, original research articles in English, French and Greek, it is a useful resource for academics and researchers from various disciplines.
Published by the Laboratory of Urban Criminology of Panteion University in Athens, Urban Crime – An International Journal includes reviews of new books and analyses and commentaries on current urban crime issues. The journal also occasionally publishes thematic/special issues with the participation of guest editors.
A useful new resource for academics and researchers
Urban Crime – An International Journal is a useful resource for academics and researchers from a variety of disciplines including, among others, criminology and criminal justice, sociology, social policy, social anthropology, geography, politics, economics, and cultural and media studies, as well as practitioners and policy makers. Its promoters ambition to turn it into a truly global publication that represents the diversity of thematic interests and research cultures in the field of urban crime studies.
The vision for the growth and impact of Urban Crime – An International Journal involves:
- Implementing rigorous and swift editorial and peer-review processes that will make the journal an indispensable forum in the field.
- Becoming a truly global publication that represents the diversity of thematic interests and research cultures in the field of urban crime studies. It will showcase cross-cutting, theoretically ambitious studies that are relevant across specialisations, and research that draws from wide-ranging geographical, cultural, political and social contexts. To this end, we intend to invite submissions from all parts of the world to further promote the journal not only in contexts that are well represented (e.g. Europe and North America) but also, through our extensive scholarly network, in regions such as Asia, Asia-Pacific, Africa and Latin America. These regions are currently under-represented and can offer fresh empirical and theoretical insights into the study of urban crime.
- Encouraging the submission of quality research and commentary by practitioners such as law enforcement agents, members of the judiciary, government and local government officials, industry and non-governmental organisations working on urban crime-related topics.
Two or three issues per year
The journal is published two to three times a year. The Editorial Board consists of Professor Christina Zarafonitou as Editor in Chief and eminent academics. All the processes are conducted in line with the journals’ code of ethics. The first issue was published in June 2020 and is available at https://ojs.panteion.gr/index.php/uc/issue/view/22

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