D4.7 Evaluation of the Toolkit: Embedding organisational learning into urban security practices

This deliverable aims to present the results of the evaluation process. The evaluation process
was conducted in each of the six partner cities during the IcARUS project’s tool development
phase (WP3) and demonstration phase (WP4). Thus, this deliverable focuses on an in-depth
examination of the evaluation findings, illustrating how the tools were assessed in various
urban settings.
Section 1 outlines the content and scope of the report, before introducing the value of
evaluation and the importance of organisational learning as part of wider problem-solving
methodology. Section 2 focuses on the specific methodologies used across the six cities.
Section 3 presents the analyses of the data collected which will be assessed to key
performance indicators that were developed during co-creation sessions with each city by
partners like EUR and Efus. An overall evaluation of the toolkit will also measure the inclusion
of IcARUS principles, including technological and social innovation, conflict resolution,
sustainability, trust, ethics, gender-inclusivity, and support of political leadership. The
evaluation consists of comparing the results of the tools to these indicators. The evaluation of
the toolkit will aid in understanding how cities and stakeholders have interpreted the
development, highlight points of improvement in different areas, and assess if the initially
established requirements have been met. Obtaining this information is vital for the
transferability of the process.
Section 4 will summarise the reflection and learning obtained during the evaluation process. It
will provide important insights and lessons for building a culture of organisational learning and
tackling challenges and limitations when doing so and then offer a series of recommendations.
Firstly, it offers recommendations for each of the six urban security tools produced, secondly,
for the development of human-centred preventative approaches to urban security and thirdly,
for the implementation of evaluation processes within urban security programmes design,
delivery and implementation.