D4.4 Report of the demonstration in each of the cities
The work plan (D4.1) provided essential guidance to the cities throughout this process,
ensuring coherence and alignment with project objectives. Following the IcARUS training
sessions (Task 4.2), which marked the beginning of the demonstration phase, each partner city
organised events, workshops, internal meetings, or other suitable methods to assess the tool’s
functionality and impact effectively. The format and duration of each demonstration phase
varied depending on the specific tool being implemented. Key milestones were identified,
including the initial launch, data collection milestones, evaluation sessions, and any significant
developments in the tool’s performance. Participation in the demonstration phase was diverse,
involving local partners, mostly consisting of the city’s civil servants, technicians and local
police officers, alongside with selected consortium partners.
The project benefited from the expertise and experience of the representatives of the Expert
Advisory Board (EAB) and the Consultative Committee of the Cities (CCC) throughout the
project. During the development and demonstration phase of the tools, several key moments
were identified for them to provide recommendations.
This deliverable gathers together feedback from the Expert Advisory Board (EAB) and the
Consultative Committee of Cities (CCC), along with their recommendations on the
effectiveness, sustainability, feasibility and stakeholder coordination of the six tools.

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